Wednesday, 14 November 2012


1. Wilmer Cortés Zamora.

Group names:

* Karen Hernández

* Zulma Vargas

* Andrés Palacios

2. Summary of activity:

This activity lets us to recognize a new vocabulary mean the actuation , this way of learning English is good because is a different way to remain new words in our lexicus. Besides we can efford in acting remaining that new vocabulary.

3. Chronogram:

Making a living

*Planning a list of several kinds of houses.
   Wilmer Cortés

  Thursday 15th / 2012

* I have to write the list in a draft paper, and then pass it to computer.
   Wilmer Cortés
  Friday 16th / 2012

* I have to organize a short dialogue between a salesperson and a group of customers about houses for sale.
   Wilmer Cortés
  Saturday 17th / 2012

* Previous the list I have to write the preamble of the dialogue and at the end of the list the end of the dialogue.

  Wilmer Cortés                               

  Sunday 18th / 2012

*I have to print the list.
  Wilmer Cortés
 Sunday 19th / 2012

* Explain the activity to each of the groups in the classroom, because each of them have to participate.

  Wilmer Cortés

 Tuesday 21st / 2012

Wednesday, 24 October 2012



1. Unknown vocabulary:

* Ain´t: Is the informal contraction of the structures: AM NOT, ARE NOT, HAS NOT, HAVE NOT.

*Chick: Is the informal way to say: a young girl; a young bird especially one newly hatched.

*Dick: Is a vulgar slang to say man´s pennis; a stupid or contemptible person.

*Gotta: Is the informal contraction to say: HAVE GOT A, HAVE GOT TO

2. Song is about a man that tells the story of two friends; a girl and a boy who are in troubles with their pairs, they are singular couples because in the case of the man he has to pay everything for his girlfriend and in the case of the girl is the same, they have to support a pair of idles.

3. Once I had to work for my cousin, she didn´t do anything to help me and I was who made a lot of money for her, this was so unfair to me because I had to do all the work for her.

4. I would not like to do this again because everyone has to work and get our things with effort and dedication, besides I think idles nor are able to help themselves neither society.

5. I think it is not funny let others work for me because I prefer to get my things with my own effort, besides if you let others that you could seem as a simple thing occupying an empty space.

6. Some unusual expressions in the song:

*Man he hates that bitch: Mi amigo tiene novia y odia a esa vagabunda.

* "man I really gotta lose my chick in the worst kind of way":  "Hombre voy a perder a mi chica
de la peor manera ".

* She sits on her ass: Ella se sienta en su tracero.

* He works his hands to the bone: Él trabaja sus manos hasta el cansancio.

* But she wants more dinero just to stay at home: Pero ella quiere más dinero sólo para quedarse en casa.

* You gotta say: Tú tienes que decir:

* I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way: No voy a pagar, no voy a pagar ya, de ninguna manera.

* Say no way, say no way ya, no way: Di de ninguna manera, de ninguna manera, de ninguna manera.

* Cause that girl's got expensive taste: Porque esa chica tiene el gusto caro.

* Well I guess it ain't easy doing nothing at all: Bueno, supongo que no es fácil no hacer nada, espera, sí,

* But hey man free rides just don't come along every day:  Pero hey hombre los viajes gratis simplemente no vienen A lo largo de cada día.

* My friend's got a boyfriend, man she hates that dick: Mi amiga tiene un novio y odia ese bueno para nada.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012



An application letter is a way to write our expectatives for applying a job, is a proper way to express us according to our prospectives of work to the employers.


We need to write them when we want for apply a job, but if we do that we need to be sure what fits to our needs in a job, besides as a more complete and good way to present an application letter in a polite way.


- First of all in the first paragraph we need to be sure where is the information sended and why is important for us the job application that we found. After that we need to send our interests about the job:


I saw your advertisement in the newspaper and I would like to apply for that job because...

-The second paragraph should gives a little information about your qualifications and experience. Make sure the information you give is relevant to the job that you are applying for.


My experience in that area has been for about...

I know how to work in the comercial area because I know...

- It should say why you believe you are suited to the job and what you can offer the company. 


I am currently working as a receptionist in ...The reason for my seeking a new position is that I wish to pursue a secretarial career. Unfortunately, there are no openings for advancement in my present employment.

Note: This is probably the most important paragraph of the letter. It is also the hardest part to write because you need to "sell yourself" without appearing too arrogant.

- In the last paragraph you have to say when you are available for an interview and how to contact you.


I would like to have the opportunity to talk to you further about my application. I am available for interview at any time and I can be contacted at/on ...


- You have to be sure that you need the work that you have founded before for apply it.

- The information must be true about your life, experiences and interests on the job.

- Here, we have other components that also are important to write an application letter:

Professional Style

  • Application letters are usually, and should always, be in an officer letter style, like block style. These letters should be formatted properly and checked for spelling and grammatical errors.


  • Although many application letters open with a simple "Sir or Madam:", the more successful application letters are addressed personally to the hiring manager (which often takes some research on the part of the job applicant).
  • The body of a good application letter, usually 3 to 4 paragraphs, explains why the applicant is a good fit for the job, explains relevant experience, and shows how that experience would be useful if selected for the career opportunity.


  • An application letter is rarely sent to a prospective employer alone. It is usually accompanied by a resume, salary history, list of references, and/or other documentation of achievements.


  • Application letters are generally no more than one page in length. Employers are unimpressed by application letters of half a page or less, though; filling most of one page is the safest way to complete an application letter.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

i Speak exam results

In the i Speak exam results I have got  Intermediate 1 B1.

Sunday, 9 September 2012


Hi Lee.

I received your letter two days ago and I am glad to know that you moved to a new town, believe me, sometimes it is better.

I want to tell you several things that I have decided lately. First I tell you that I begun another career about searching in languages and that it is very enjoyful and great because you know, I love studying languages and learning about other cultures.

Well what can I say about my future, I am going to go to my parent´s town next week and we will organize a great meeting with the rest of my family, because we haven´t been together a long time ago, but is really good to have it.

Next year I will travel to France because I am thinking on vacations there, but that is just an idea because I am still studying and I need more money to pay the University.

There is nothing else what I tell you, but if something strange or amazing happens I will write you again.

Take care my dear Lee and enjoy your new home.


Wednesday, 5 September 2012


September 5th  / 2012  

Mr Thomson.

I am Wilmer Cortes, I am 23 and the reason of this e-mail is because I am interested to attend  your English lessons.

I would like to know more about your teaching methodology , besides I would like to know about how much do the lessons cost? because I consider that I have a good English level and if it makes some difference in the prices. 

I am really interested in learn more and to take advanced lessons to improve my English because I travel  a lot and because I work with English people, I want to know if  you provide the students with a work book or with useful materials to learn and pratice more in home, to know about the evaluation process and if the learning is in a collective or individual way.

Finally I would like to know if there are other kind of languages courses because I want to learn another one and where is your institute placed.

Thanks for your attention indeed.

Wilmer Cortes.

Transactional Letters

Transactional letters

* What is the transactional letter?

A transactional letter is when we want to correct some information about business or something else, thereby we need to be clear in the kind of complaint we want to send. 

Besides this kind of letter is in an informal way, but we can express us in a polite way to the others , but it is not a formal letter.

* Six useful steps to write a transactional letter:

1. First we have to take in mind to whom is the e-mail addressed and how we want to answer that e-mail, after that we have to read again the information to check if it is correct and clear.

2. A good planning to write because we have to be clear in what we are going to write, use a proper vocabulary and clear words and when you use the vocabulary you should use this in a proper way according to the context of the question.

3. A clear and short introduction could be an easy understanding about the content of the e-mail, be careful with the main idea in the second paragraph and depending of the topic that you are going to talk you have to be clear in your answer to have a good ending, if you prefer this in a formal or informal way.

4. Use your own words to answer the question and avoid to use strange vocabulary.

5. Choose an easy style if you are refereing to a simple answer to a friend, but if it is addressed to another kind of person you must be polite and formal in your writing, besides in each expression you can use sentences like "glad to write you againg" missing out "I am glad to..." if you prefer to use simple words try to communicate your idea.

6. Finally check your writing and be sure to have the correct grammar and cohesion in your words.

* The more important information about writing a transactional letter is to take in mind the specific things and the clearance in the information that we are sending, I think is very important to know that we have to know how to write and how to make understand us with the others in a correct and clear way and speaking out plainly.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Hi everyone,

Sometimes we tend to write in a way that is not the best at all, that is because we do not appreciate the better and the correct way to do this. So by this way we unknow the rules and the order of our ideas to express them in an e-mail.

The importance of the rules of netiquette is that we can be guided by different kind of rules or more than rules could be simple steps to know the best way to write something without mistakes. There are approximately 26 rules to do this in an easier way and in a correct way, they are about the rules of netiquette that show us that we have to be prepared about what we want to express and even we want to do that, besides that our opinion counts according to reply a message, for example we have to know how to answer and to say something that we did not like or even we liked about the e-mail.

Is important to know that follow netiquette is a better way of understanding between people and that by these kind of steps we can be clearer with our purposes and ideas.

Although I commited a lot of mistakes when I wanted to send or to answer some e-mails, therefore I could not send a correct e-mail before because I used to use a lot of acronyms or strange words in my messages, besides I did not use a proper way to express my opinions because sometimes I run out of information to put in the contents of the messages.

I recommend to use in a proper and correct way our e-mails because more than be just an e-mail is an important tool to comunicate ourselves, but with responsability and with an appropriate way.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

My first post

What I know about Blogs…
What I want to know about blogs…
What I learnt about blogs…
I know that blogs are useful to learn and a useful tool to share an receive information from different people and to know about the advances in a determinate topic.I want to know more about different kind of ways to learn and to teach English and this mean is so good to find and share new information about culture and its language.
I learnt how to expand more and more to receive more information and to be sure that the use of a blog is a different way to share our likes and the most useful information in the web.