Wednesday, 19 September 2012

i Speak exam results

In the i Speak exam results I have got  Intermediate 1 B1.

Sunday, 9 September 2012


Hi Lee.

I received your letter two days ago and I am glad to know that you moved to a new town, believe me, sometimes it is better.

I want to tell you several things that I have decided lately. First I tell you that I begun another career about searching in languages and that it is very enjoyful and great because you know, I love studying languages and learning about other cultures.

Well what can I say about my future, I am going to go to my parent´s town next week and we will organize a great meeting with the rest of my family, because we haven´t been together a long time ago, but is really good to have it.

Next year I will travel to France because I am thinking on vacations there, but that is just an idea because I am still studying and I need more money to pay the University.

There is nothing else what I tell you, but if something strange or amazing happens I will write you again.

Take care my dear Lee and enjoy your new home.


Wednesday, 5 September 2012


September 5th  / 2012  

Mr Thomson.

I am Wilmer Cortes, I am 23 and the reason of this e-mail is because I am interested to attend  your English lessons.

I would like to know more about your teaching methodology , besides I would like to know about how much do the lessons cost? because I consider that I have a good English level and if it makes some difference in the prices. 

I am really interested in learn more and to take advanced lessons to improve my English because I travel  a lot and because I work with English people, I want to know if  you provide the students with a work book or with useful materials to learn and pratice more in home, to know about the evaluation process and if the learning is in a collective or individual way.

Finally I would like to know if there are other kind of languages courses because I want to learn another one and where is your institute placed.

Thanks for your attention indeed.

Wilmer Cortes.

Transactional Letters

Transactional letters

* What is the transactional letter?

A transactional letter is when we want to correct some information about business or something else, thereby we need to be clear in the kind of complaint we want to send. 

Besides this kind of letter is in an informal way, but we can express us in a polite way to the others , but it is not a formal letter.

* Six useful steps to write a transactional letter:

1. First we have to take in mind to whom is the e-mail addressed and how we want to answer that e-mail, after that we have to read again the information to check if it is correct and clear.

2. A good planning to write because we have to be clear in what we are going to write, use a proper vocabulary and clear words and when you use the vocabulary you should use this in a proper way according to the context of the question.

3. A clear and short introduction could be an easy understanding about the content of the e-mail, be careful with the main idea in the second paragraph and depending of the topic that you are going to talk you have to be clear in your answer to have a good ending, if you prefer this in a formal or informal way.

4. Use your own words to answer the question and avoid to use strange vocabulary.

5. Choose an easy style if you are refereing to a simple answer to a friend, but if it is addressed to another kind of person you must be polite and formal in your writing, besides in each expression you can use sentences like "glad to write you againg" missing out "I am glad to..." if you prefer to use simple words try to communicate your idea.

6. Finally check your writing and be sure to have the correct grammar and cohesion in your words.

* The more important information about writing a transactional letter is to take in mind the specific things and the clearance in the information that we are sending, I think is very important to know that we have to know how to write and how to make understand us with the others in a correct and clear way and speaking out plainly.